Networking, networking, networking. You know you need to do it in this job market. Let's set some boundaries though, particularly when reaching out to others online.
One newspaper editor received this LinkedIn message from a recent college grad: "You probably don't remember me, but I temped in your office a few years ago. Now I'm applying for a job, and the hiring manager knows you and values your opinion. Please write me a LinkedIn endorsement, which will help me look good to this manager. You don't know my background, so I've enclosed my resume with this message. Read it and get an understanding of my career history before you write the endorsement."
Um, YIKES. Don't be this person. So here are your networking boundaries:
1) Don't reach out to complete strangers online - just like you wouldn't randomly dial a phone number and expect assistance. Find connections and ask for introductions from friends - and ask politely and respectfully.
2) Don't start off a new relationship by proposing ways in which your new best friend can help you.
Networking involves relationship building, giving help, and eventually receiving help - don't skip the first two steps.
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