Friday, February 28

Dress for Success

When you are interviewing with employers for career jobs and/or internships and graduate and professional schools (YES! Even internships!) most professional dress is expected!  Here is the thing… have one chance to make a first impression. 

You want that impression to be that of a new, energetic professional – NOT a college kid (even of internships!).  The fastest, easiest way to do this is with most professional dress.  That means for men suits and ties (NOT just a shirt and tie).  And for women a suit (pants or skirt) or professional dress (NOT party clothes, business wear).

I know, I know…..this will require you to go and get these clothes and the shoes etc. to go with it.  But, think about how much time, money and energy you have put into your education.  It is worth the couple hundred dollars to look your most professional to launch your career.

Check or the Career Development blot at for ideas on professional dress.

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